The Cohoba collection is inspired by the connection many ancient tribes had with their gods. This vivid connection was amplified through the use of a variety of plants which were dried, crushed, burnt and then mixed with other ingredients such as shells, nuts and tobacco.
Once inhaled through the use of instruments intricately carved out of wood or bone, members of these tribes would then be thrown into hypnotic trance which produced a bridge between them and the gods.
The Cohoba collection seeks to embody the various spirals, elliptical shapes and kaleidoscopic features that were characteristic of these visions.
Anadenanthera peregrina also known as cohoba, yopo parica or calcium tree is native Caribbean and south America. the Cohoba ritual a sacred ceremony preformed by Taino tribe was always officiated by The Behique (the tribes chief) he would use the ritual to seek healing, gives, convey messages and seek peace for his people
That connection with the Gods helped keep the balance in their society, they felt one with their surroundings and ensured that violence against each other was non existent. Respect , tolerance and love was what kept them going .